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Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Big 2 - 6 you guys!

So yesterday I turned 26! Yay for me!!!! This has been a pretty good week so far, I'm pretty happy with it. On Monday, I got serious with the big project I'm working on for Lewy's birthday which is now in 8 days, somehow I do not think I will finish it in time... Tuesday I cleaned up my house and spoke to my mom, did more work on the project...

Wednesday I woke up at 5AM to Lewy jumping on me saying "Wake up birthday girl!!" and then he snuggled me for about 10 minutes before he had to leave for work. I had to work myself but it was all ok, all of my kiddies wished me a happy birthday and one of them even brought me a present! Then Jessie started going around singing to me but he was saying I was 30 and he was singing REALLY loud.... I came home from work at about 7:45pm and opened up the door to Lewy he gave me a big hug and stuck my birthday tiara on my head. He had also cooked me a very VERY lovely dinner, and then he took some pictures with me and we got a little silly.

Today, Thursday I am getting to start my online course Introduction To Anthropology, I have already earned my first point for the class! Hopefully in 12 weeks time I can write a new blog telling you all that I didn't give up and I actually passed it!

Tomorrow I'm not sure whats going to happen, but I know on Saturday we will head down to Dan and Rhiannon's house literally a week before their wedding which will be next Sunday... so we can celebrate our birthdays with them.

Next week will be a little bit hetic for us, so you may not get a new entry from me until after the wedding, since we will be so far away from a computer until Monday night when we get home, but next week is also my super sexy hubby's birthday and ooooooo boy do I have some ideas! My mom has helped me come up with the idea for his cake all the way from Kentucky, and I have asked his mom and dad to come down as well, as a surprise for him. I will be making pumpkin soup with veal tortalini for his birthday dinner, as well as breakfast in bed for him, since it is a long weekend he has the Friday of his birthday off work (the lucky duck!)

I'll leave you all with some birthday snaps I took last night while I get back to working on this project of mine so It will at least be attempted by next week!

(also if some one could please explain to me why my google is not wanting to work that would be great... I can access it perfectly from my phone, but if I try to search for images/ open my email/ add photos to my blog it just refuses to work and I have to do everything from my phone! It's getting annoying now!!)
Chocolate from one of my kiddies at work!
Me in my tiara and Lewy blowing a party blower
I said lets try to take a good one
He's looking like he has no idea whats happening
Copped a party blower to the face
Let's do some funny faces!
This is what I get for trying to take photos.... EATEN!!!
Before I went to work I was in my tiara!
Finally we got a good one lolz

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Day from Hades....

Well they say that bad things come in threes.... and usually I get the awesome luck of having all three things happen to me on the same day...

This was one of those weeks where everything happened.

There were a few good things that happened this week dont get me wrong, but lets face it, it's very hard to be in a happy cheerful mood when you have something happen right after you wake up in the morning...

Monday I got an early birthday present from my wonderful man, I've been a bit whingy lately about being bored and how he has video games to play all the time while I have to sit by myself and watch tv in another room... so he got me three months of world of warcraft time! I have been a busy little bee on there as well my blood elf warlock has gone up almost 6 levels just this week alone (yes I am a wow nerd and I embrace it!)

Tuesday I got invited out for coffee with Lewy's mum, aunties, and grandma. This was when the day went straight to Hades in a hand basket.... I woke up late, and got on my computer to play half an hour of WOW before I had to leave to meet them for coffee, somehow my computer became infected with a virus that had disguised its self as an antivirus protector, which then told me all of my files were infected and wouldnt let me run my actual scanner nor open any programs that would allow me to scan my computer or open firefox to find out how to get rid of the thing... I ended up having to call Lewy while he was at work, we came up with a plan but because I was no going to be late to coffee since my 1/2 hour had turned into almost an hour and a half trying to fix my computer I had to leave the scanner going until we came back home that night...
So I got dressed up a little bit fancy, I was having a bad day after all so I put on a nice dress, some tights, my boots, did my hair and jewelry.... put on my big sunnies, got in my car and drove off hoping that something would go right on the way there and turn my day around. It didn't, it just got worse, I hit every single red light that was in existence, got stuck behind a learner driver on a road where the speed limit was 80, and they would only do 40 and I could not over take them... Then I got there half an hour early after all that, and had to sit in the parking lot and wait for some one else to get there because I didn't want to look like an idiot sitting by myself.
Finally I got up and went inside, everyone showed up about 10 minutes after I got there, we had some cakes and coffees, Lewy's mum did some shopping, and she had hurt herself so she couldn't carry much, so I helped her out, then we all went back to her house for a little bit. She was making tripe for dinner, and OMG the way she makes it is soooooo nice! She cut the tripe up into little pieces, it kind of put me off because cutting it up sounds like you are trying to cut up some sort of squishy wet plastic, if you don't know what it is then believe me you don't really want to know if you plan on trying it, but it is worth eating because it tastes really good. She put in some sweet potatoes and normal potatoes as well and made it like a stew. I spent 90% of my time helping her cut stuff up and peeling things, because lets face it I am an AWESOME daughter in law.
Lewy stopped in on his way home from work because we were staying for dinner, his dad was running a little bit late so he messed around with his brothers and his sister, and stole his brother's hat. I told him he looked like a Nonno (Italian for grandpa) wearing it, but it did look pretty good. He thought he looked more Scottish so he spent the rest of the night talking with a Scottish accent... and darn it he pulled it off!
I'm not sure where but he found a deck of cards and wanted to play 21 so we sat at the dining room table and played cards around the plates and cups, no matter what he ever says to you I am better at cards than him, I can shuffle better than him, and I have a better poker face than him.... he will try and tell you differently but it is all a lie!
I managed to convince him to take some pictures with me though, I surprised him with a big kiss and got it on camera, the picture looks like his eyes are about to fall out of his head!

After dinner we decided to head back home, we had to check on my computer and make sure it was ok, and on the way home I had a guy trying to speed behind me, riding my butt even though I was doing over the limit, he flashed his lights and even beeped at me but never actually tried to over take me, stupid man. The computer ended up being fine, as you can tell because I'm writing this post. But now I have learned to scan everything.

On Wednesday I had to work, and I got lucky because this week was water safety week, next week is the beginning of school holidays so I guess half my kids will be going away and I will have a pretty easy birthday.

On Thursday Lewy got a $50 gift card from his boss as a thank you for trying to fix their internet, he has been running around like mad trying to get it fixed for them but apparently there was a huge problem and now they have to re-cable the whole street! He came home and told me all about it, and how he got a new video game.... I'll let you guess which one he got, its all the rage right now.... yup you got it! GTA 5!

Today I'm home preparing for tomorrow, still trying to find my blond wig which has gone missing... I guess Alice will have to be a brunette tomorrow. Got my outfit ready and waiting, even got my cheshire cat to take with me.

Tomorrow will be the High Tea, the wedding is not too far away, I'm getting pretty excited about it now! I just hope I will be able to take lots of pictures!

I'm still trying to work on my birthday present for my bubby... I dont have much time left to finish it, and with all these distractions I think I will be cutting it very close.... So I think for now I need to turn this darn distraction off and go work on it!

I hope your week has turned out better than mine did!

XxX ~Rah Rah

(PS. Sorry about the small pictures! For some strange reason my computer does not want to add photos to this post, so I have had to copy/paste them and then I'm not allowed to resize them!)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

¿Viva Los Mexico!

Lolz so this week we had to pay some bills, and book a hotel room for the wedding coming up, and we didnt have much left over to play around with and go out...

So I made a little "Fiesta" in our lounge room and we had a Mexican Date Night.
 I made a cake, which was ultra simple and only took about 45 minutes to whip it up and cook it from scratch! I covered it with some caramel topping like you would use on ice cream.
I spread some blankets and pillows out on the floor so we would have a nice soft place to sit and it would be like a little mini picnic (since it was raining outside we couldn't really go out there...and we don't have anywhere to sit since Sade ate out lawn chairs...)
I lit a few candles and put them around the room, because it was such a blah day outside they suited everything really well, if we were sitting at an old wooden table you would have thought it was an old movie at a bar! Speaking of a bar, no Mexican Date Night would be complete without some Sangria.... which Lewy so thoughtfully picked up on his way home from work to make our night more authentic.

 I set up a little table for our burrito fixins' and even added a little table cloth to make it a little more fancy, we had almost everything u could want for burritos, right down to the homemade guacamole! We were set for our little party, and as luck would have it Lewy did come home from work starving!
 So we sat down on our little indoor picnic blankets and got all comfy on the pillows I'd thrown about, and then we got started on the food, there were beans and cheese and sour cream everywhere! It was like we let dogs in the house to eat and they just knocked everything over and smeared it all over the plates! But nothing went to waste, there was only a little bit of guacamole left over and that's only because I don't like it so that was a special little treat for my bubz, and after all was said and done, we both had full tummies and were both a little bit tipsy from the Sangria, we decided to team with the theme of the night and watch some Mexican themed movies, so we watched Desperado with Antonio Bandares which I had never seen before, (I know you are all wondering how that's possible) and later on Lewy still got to go on the playstation and mess around with the boys, we both got to have a little time to do what we wanted to do, I got my date night and Lewy got his "boys time" it was a really good night and to be honest it cost less than $70 to do... Yes I know we had to stay home, and yes I know it was on the lounge room floor, but hey we don't have to be fancy all the time, sometimes going back to the basics and just having fun is really what it's all about!

So have a think about the last time you and your significant other had a nice little night out or in, maybe make it a surprise for them! And it doesn't have to be Mexican food, that just happens to be something both me and Lewy enjoy eating, but it can be changed to suit your personal tastes!

~Rah Rah

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What a week!

So Aaron and Kirstee came to see us this week! We've been working on trying to train Sade, but its a bit hard with Daisy whinging all the time, we've been working on "shake hands" with Sade, and trying to get her to go to the bottom of the steps when we go outside so no one trips. Here's a little video of her actually shaking hands for a piece of dog food lolz.

We really have to get on this I don't want her to end up doing whatever she wants and hurting someone by jumping on them or knocking them over, and she is slowly getting better at listening.... I guess it will just take a lot of time and patience.

So this week has been pretty good for me, on Monday I thought of a good idea for Lewy's birthday present, which I wont mention here just in case he actually reads my blog for once and wants to know what I'm making, but don't worry I've been working my fingers to the bone trying to get it done and it's coming along quite well, and once I finish it (which will hopefully be before his birthday in October) I will take lots of pictures. I also had to drive about 100ks to try on my bridesmaid dress for my friends wedding which is right after Lewy's birthday and I'm really excited!!!!

On Tuesday I was home cleaning up a little bit and then Aaron and Kirstee came down, and on Wednesday they had some errands to run and I had to work, but my three beginner girls did excellent this week! The were actually begging me to let them do doggy paddles by themselves and they spent 90% of their lesson paddling and kicking on their noodles by themselves... and this is really good because three weeks ago I had to try and hold on to all three of them at once or they would all burst into tears and start screaming at the tops of their lungs.... they only major drama we had was at the very end of their lesson when one of them noticed a lizard next to the pool and they all lost their minds.... so I had to gather them all up and we watched the lizard for a minute while i told them it was just a baby lizard and it wouldn't hurt them, I guess they were convinced it was going to attack them while they were doing their diving or something, but they calmed down and did their "big jumps" and everyone was ok in the end.

Apparently she was done with Tug-o-war

not impressed...
Today, I woke up a little bit early and accomplished more before noon than I normally do all day long XD (which is saying something). I managed to almost get breakfast cooked before Aaron and Kirstee were up, and then we went out and did our training session with the puppies, and they decided it was a nice enough day that we should take them for a nice long walk, so we did, and it was a REALLY good one, they were puffing and panting by the end of it so tuckered out it was so cute! Now I'm off to do some laundry, clean up the breakfast dishes, work out what I'm cooking for dinner tonight and then get to work on some more of the big birthday surprise!!! I'm not sure whats in store for the rest of this week, but I'm hoping it will be good, and here's hoping that all of you have a awesome weekend ahead of you as well!

XxX ~Rah Rah

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Loving Life at the moment....

Well going through previous posts it now seems that I am bi-polar..... I can go from loving life to hating everything in the span of a few hours.....

I guess its just a good thing that it doesn't really last long, and I usually get back to my happy self within a day or so.

This month is my birthday!!!! The big ol' 26th..... but lets face it, I'm not ready to be 26 yet so I've decided that this year I will be turning 24 again. And I will white girl sass you if you say anything to the contrary!

I've been working on a few things lately, gone into a little bit of a wedding planning mode even though we still havent set a date yet, but Lewy has been helping out a little bit, he's emailed me a few different places to look at that he liked (thats his job for the wedding he gets to pick the place and the date) and I get to pick everything else.... and so far except for those two things its pretty much ready to go!

I've been a bit sick lately, with a nasty chest infection, but after about a week of antibiotics I was finally able to kick it, and now I'm back to nearly 100%!

What have we been up to lately? Well this week I did my work shift where my big problem class finally turned out to not be such a big problem...

Tough love was all it took, my 3 girls who had never been swimming before in their lives are now paddling away on noodles and I can barely keep up with them! There are sometimes tears, when they go under the water unexpectedly, so I've gotten into the habit of telling them they will be going under and it seems to ease the tears a little bit, I am so impressed with them though pretty soon I will be able to take their noodles away completely!

Friday I had to go down to Lewy's mum and dad's house to wait for the dishwasher repair guy to come in, I think he mistook me for an idiot who doesnt know how to use a dishwasher, because he felt the need to show me step by step the proper way to open the door and felt that he needed to remind me that I shouldnt put things on the door when its open.... like I've never had to use one before in my life.... the only thing that was actually wrong with it was that the door had gotten jarred and wasnt closing properly, it took him 5 minutes to fix, a 10 minute lecture on how to properly use it, and then another 5 minutes of trying to get a picture of the serial number on the side of the door.... I wanted to hit him XD
But about 15 minutes after he had come and gone Lewys mum came home from work and we went out for lunch and got sushi, got some groceries and then we all decided to wash the cars since it was FINALLY a warm day.

Saturday we got up bright and early because we had to go vote.... and that doesnt even matter because the person I voted for didnt get in, and now the country will probably go straight to crap like it did the last time. But dont get me started on that....
Lewy took me out for a surprise day to Dural! We went and played putt putt and oh my gosh we had so much fun! I even got sun burnt.... on one arm....I even fail at tanning properly. He ended up beating me badly but I did get a hole in one! It was a really good day, nice and w

arm and sunny, there were flower and fruit stands all along the roads, and best of all I got to spend the whole day with my bubby <3

Today the rain clouds are coming in.... even mother nature is mourning the new pm choice, but we still went out for a little shopping trip, just to the local stores but we got ourselves some new sheets for the bed, and brand new pillows, we went and had a look around some of the charity shops and found a nice little lounge that would be perfect for the "man cave" but we didnt end up getting it because it wouldnt have fit in my car....
Then we went and grabbed a sushi lunch and some starbucks and headed home before we got caught in the rain, changed the sheets on the bed and put up the new pillows, and watched some movies ^_^ all in all it's been a really good week!

I hope all of you have had a good one as well!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Well then....

So I had this idea in my head...

Because we (meaning me and lewy) hardly ever go out and do anything by ourselves due to lack of money and whatnot, I decided to do a weekly date night. I came up with a list of 52 dates for us to do, wrote them all down on a piece of paper and folded them up and put them in a can, decorated it all pretty and last night we were supposed to pick the first one.
The instructions were simple, on Monday night we pick a paper from the can, and before Sunday night of the same week we were supposed to do whatever was on the list... fun right?

Well apparently not, Lewy made a big deal about the whole thing and what was supposed to be a fun little thing with ideas to do together that dont cost much, ended up with me crying and throwing the whole thing in the bin.

Apparently Lewy thought I was being really pushy, something about saying he didnt know how to plan a date, thinking he needed to be told how to do it properly, how I would just end up getting upset if he picked something from there that I really wanted to do and then we couldnt do it that week, how I would just end up hurting myself with half the things I picked... how the whole thing just seemed silly because we have fun all the time!

Dont get me wrong I love the man to death but seriously sitting in the bedroom watching downloaded movies by myself while he plays on the playstation with Dan and Aaron gets old pretty quick.... I'm stuck in the house all day unless I'm working, and because I only work the one possibly two days a week I'm not gonna be the one that suggests we go out and spend a crap ton of money doing something if I'm not the one earning the money to spend... every once in a while we do go out and do something, like he took me to mini golf, but the last time we did something other than stay home and watch movies was so long ago I cant even remember when it was.

I'm not one of those people who has to spend money to have a good time, I just hate being stuck alone all the time, Lewy works 5 days a week sometimes 6, and since I have no money he usually has to pay for my petrol for me to even get to work.... every once in a while I go out shopping but hardly ever come back with something, and even when I do it's usually a $2-10 thing from k-mart, and we usually end up needing it, Lewy's not the type to enjoy going to the shops unless he wants to get something, and he's the in-and-out again type, so when I want to go do something even on the weekends he tells me to just go by myself because I'm a big girl.... and i dont like going by myself.

I dont even like being home alone by myself, I cant sleep if I'm home by myself.... yet in reality thats how I'm feeling lately... and I get accused of not being content with what I have....
So I'll throw it out there for everyone.... how are you supposed to be happy with what you have when you feel like you dont have anything?

Last night Lewy told me he had been thinking about kids lately... being the day after fathers day and all.... and how it sort of upset him that he didnt have that, how everyone he knew was able to tell him all the presents they got from their kids, and how much they loved them and stuff, and he was sitting there going "well my dogs smilled at me".... He had to bring up the whole money thing as to the reason why.... "we're too povo to have them"  and I dont think he realized how much that hurt me....

I feel bad enough that I cant seem to find a full time job if my life depended on it, now I'm hearing people thinking I'm a burden on Lewy because he has to pay for things, that he pays all the bills, that he has to pay for me like I'm a child.... and Lewy has always told me not to worry about it that we are ok, that he loves me and he knows I'm trying my best.... but last night because of this stupid dates in a can thing he let it slip that it bothers him just as much as it seems to bother everyone else....

And now I cant stop crying everytime I think about it... its bad enough that i feel this way about myself... but to find out everyone else is not only thinking it as well but actually telling other people about it as a way to try and get them to dislike me... I cannot express the amount of hurt I feel at the moment....

I've been sick since Wednesday with a bad chest infection, two days with a temperature over 38, yet I still managed to go an do my shift at work, i've still managed to cook meals, and keep the house clean, the laundry is hanging up to dry, the floors are vacuumed, the dishes are washed... I really do try my best... people want me to be content with what I have, yet no one seems to be content with me... its like people think I could walk out to my mailbox and trip over all the job offers I could have... like all I have to do is walk outside and some one will drive past and offer me a job as a brain surgeon... It's not like I want to sit at home all day... it's not like I want to be a burden on any one.... it's not like I'm doing this on purpose...

But apparently when I do complain it always comes back to why I care what other people think of me.... why cant I just be happy with what my family thinks.... when I bring up that most of MY family hasnt spoken to me since I moved to Australia 10 years ago, then suddenly I'm trying to be a martyr...  saying i feel like I have no friends...

so before I go off on a tangent and spiral down into that place that i cant get back out of without a bottle of vodka and 3 days of crying in bed, I'm gonna sign off.... I'm gonna go slap myself into being a normal person who doesnt get upset over stupid little things like my husband thought I had a silly idea...