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Friday, September 20, 2013

The Day from Hades....

Well they say that bad things come in threes.... and usually I get the awesome luck of having all three things happen to me on the same day...

This was one of those weeks where everything happened.

There were a few good things that happened this week dont get me wrong, but lets face it, it's very hard to be in a happy cheerful mood when you have something happen right after you wake up in the morning...

Monday I got an early birthday present from my wonderful man, I've been a bit whingy lately about being bored and how he has video games to play all the time while I have to sit by myself and watch tv in another room... so he got me three months of world of warcraft time! I have been a busy little bee on there as well my blood elf warlock has gone up almost 6 levels just this week alone (yes I am a wow nerd and I embrace it!)

Tuesday I got invited out for coffee with Lewy's mum, aunties, and grandma. This was when the day went straight to Hades in a hand basket.... I woke up late, and got on my computer to play half an hour of WOW before I had to leave to meet them for coffee, somehow my computer became infected with a virus that had disguised its self as an antivirus protector, which then told me all of my files were infected and wouldnt let me run my actual scanner nor open any programs that would allow me to scan my computer or open firefox to find out how to get rid of the thing... I ended up having to call Lewy while he was at work, we came up with a plan but because I was no going to be late to coffee since my 1/2 hour had turned into almost an hour and a half trying to fix my computer I had to leave the scanner going until we came back home that night...
So I got dressed up a little bit fancy, I was having a bad day after all so I put on a nice dress, some tights, my boots, did my hair and jewelry.... put on my big sunnies, got in my car and drove off hoping that something would go right on the way there and turn my day around. It didn't, it just got worse, I hit every single red light that was in existence, got stuck behind a learner driver on a road where the speed limit was 80, and they would only do 40 and I could not over take them... Then I got there half an hour early after all that, and had to sit in the parking lot and wait for some one else to get there because I didn't want to look like an idiot sitting by myself.
Finally I got up and went inside, everyone showed up about 10 minutes after I got there, we had some cakes and coffees, Lewy's mum did some shopping, and she had hurt herself so she couldn't carry much, so I helped her out, then we all went back to her house for a little bit. She was making tripe for dinner, and OMG the way she makes it is soooooo nice! She cut the tripe up into little pieces, it kind of put me off because cutting it up sounds like you are trying to cut up some sort of squishy wet plastic, if you don't know what it is then believe me you don't really want to know if you plan on trying it, but it is worth eating because it tastes really good. She put in some sweet potatoes and normal potatoes as well and made it like a stew. I spent 90% of my time helping her cut stuff up and peeling things, because lets face it I am an AWESOME daughter in law.
Lewy stopped in on his way home from work because we were staying for dinner, his dad was running a little bit late so he messed around with his brothers and his sister, and stole his brother's hat. I told him he looked like a Nonno (Italian for grandpa) wearing it, but it did look pretty good. He thought he looked more Scottish so he spent the rest of the night talking with a Scottish accent... and darn it he pulled it off!
I'm not sure where but he found a deck of cards and wanted to play 21 so we sat at the dining room table and played cards around the plates and cups, no matter what he ever says to you I am better at cards than him, I can shuffle better than him, and I have a better poker face than him.... he will try and tell you differently but it is all a lie!
I managed to convince him to take some pictures with me though, I surprised him with a big kiss and got it on camera, the picture looks like his eyes are about to fall out of his head!

After dinner we decided to head back home, we had to check on my computer and make sure it was ok, and on the way home I had a guy trying to speed behind me, riding my butt even though I was doing over the limit, he flashed his lights and even beeped at me but never actually tried to over take me, stupid man. The computer ended up being fine, as you can tell because I'm writing this post. But now I have learned to scan everything.

On Wednesday I had to work, and I got lucky because this week was water safety week, next week is the beginning of school holidays so I guess half my kids will be going away and I will have a pretty easy birthday.

On Thursday Lewy got a $50 gift card from his boss as a thank you for trying to fix their internet, he has been running around like mad trying to get it fixed for them but apparently there was a huge problem and now they have to re-cable the whole street! He came home and told me all about it, and how he got a new video game.... I'll let you guess which one he got, its all the rage right now.... yup you got it! GTA 5!

Today I'm home preparing for tomorrow, still trying to find my blond wig which has gone missing... I guess Alice will have to be a brunette tomorrow. Got my outfit ready and waiting, even got my cheshire cat to take with me.

Tomorrow will be the High Tea, the wedding is not too far away, I'm getting pretty excited about it now! I just hope I will be able to take lots of pictures!

I'm still trying to work on my birthday present for my bubby... I dont have much time left to finish it, and with all these distractions I think I will be cutting it very close.... So I think for now I need to turn this darn distraction off and go work on it!

I hope your week has turned out better than mine did!

XxX ~Rah Rah

(PS. Sorry about the small pictures! For some strange reason my computer does not want to add photos to this post, so I have had to copy/paste them and then I'm not allowed to resize them!)

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