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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Knitting yourself Centered ^_^

So I may have mentioned before that I had started a project for Lewy's Christmas present, if I haven't then I'm mentioning it now!

It's a very special project, if you are familiar with Reiki and Chakras then you will know what it's all about.

I searched for ages trying to find some patterns for the symbols to knit a wall hanging with or even some
pillows with but there was nothing, so I took it upon myself to make some and share them with the world.

You can use these patterns in any way you like, but please PLEASE dont try and sell these patterns anywhere. They were created to be shared for free to any one who would like to use them.
I used them stacked on top of each other for a wall hanging, but you can use them any way you like. Pillows might make a good thing or even use them a squares in a throw rug or something!

1. The Base Chakra, this one will be red. Now I have done them so that the symbol stands out against the background, the background being the main color of the chakra.

2. The Sacral Chakra, this one will be orange.

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra, this one will be yellow.

4. The Heart Chakra, this one will be green.

5. The Throat Chakra, this one will be blue.

6. The Third Eye Chakra, this one will be light blue or violet. (I made mine light blue because I didn't have any violet yarn available and I didn't want to go to the shops just to get one skein that not even half would be used)


7. The Crown Chakra, this one is supposed to be ultraviolet, but since that's out of our color spectrum you can use some iridescent yarn if you can find it, I chose to use white only because I had some available and it is an appropriate color to use for this chakra.

I hope you have found this interesting and that you will use them!!! As always more work available on my Deviant Art page! and FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK!!!!  And brand new please visit my Ravelry Shop!!Hope all my lovely followers have had a very merry Christmas and an extra special New Year. Hope 2013 brings you everything you hope for and more!!!

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