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Friday, May 24, 2013

it just keeps getting worse!

Only a short blog today... as I'm having to update from my phone.

On Tuesday I was finally able to move everything worth saving off my laptops old hard drive. I proceded to remove duplicate photos and songs as well as movies to free up some space. By the time I got finished it was late in the day, I still had dinner to cook so I turned the whole system off for the night planning to back everything up the next day.

Wednesday rolls around and I turn on my pc ready to back everything up so I dont lose it again... apparently karma has it in for me or something because now my pc refuses to work! Lewy had a look at it and he said windows must have compressed some files to clean up my hard drive and it compressed one of the ones it neded to run properly... now its gonna take hours to fix and thats IF we can un-compress the files. .. so no more updates until we get it sorted... sorry guys!!! ♡♡♡

Friday, May 17, 2013

All good things must come to an end....

Relax, I don't mean my blog!

Unfortunately my laptop has chosen this week to die... *Insert a bunch of crying here*
I have this kind of mood right now...
I love that laptop, not because it was the best thing ever, but because my Lewy bought it for me... It had all my wedding planning stuff on there, all my harry potter planning on there, all my music and my books for my kindle... a whole bunch of movies I hadnt had a chance to move to my portable hard drive yet, and the worst thing of all:

All the pictures of our house from the day we moved in until now.... I'm utterly devastated! Lewy said he thinks it may just be the motherboard that has messed up, it wasn't a very expensive laptop after all, and the thinks we may be able to salvage some of the stuff off the hard drive.... but at the moment Dr. Dad is having a look at it to see if he can fix it up for me.

Mr. & Mrs. Bears
Mrs. Bear with her tiara and veil
On a different note:
My Mr. & Mrs. bears are almost 100% finished!!!!! Mr. Bear is sporting a light blue knitted tie, a felt top hat and moustashe, and will soon be sporting "the old ball -n- chain" bit on one of his legs (providing it looks good) Mrs. Bear is sporting a white knitted veil, complete with a little jeweled tiara, fabric paint red lips, and a small bouquet of silver roses. All
they need now is their eyes and they will all be done!

I am still hoping to get up a pattern for my Mousy Beanie that I put up a while ago, but the pattern was on my laptop and I cannot for the life of me remember what it was exactly... So for now I beg you all to bear with me (no pun intended) while we work to salvage what we can off my poor departed laptop....

Now many of you have seen people writing about or heard them talking about something called a Bucket List.... I'll be a sheep and say I have one too, mine might be a little bit short, but after all it is only supposed to be things that are really important to you:

My Bucket List:
1. Learn to play the violin
2. Have a well trained dog, one that actually listens to me
3. Go on an exotic cruise somewhere like the Pacific Islands or Alaska
4. Marry the Man of my Dreams
5. Have a baby
6. Sometime before I die I want to hold a baby sloth and a baby chimpanzee
8. Own our own house
9. Get a job I actually love doing
10. Do a world traveling Holiday
11. Visit Japan
12. Learn to speak a different language fluently

As you can see I have already marked off two of the things on my bucket list! I think I am doing well for some one who is only 25... We are currently training Sade to shake her paw, she can already sit and stay, so we are on our way to marking that one off. Lewy has been trying to teach me Italian for the past 8 years... and I am getting it slowly... some of my words dont sound right because I am unable to roll my "R's", and today my mom sent me an early birthday present.... A BLUE VIOLIN!!!

I love it already!!! It's all set up and now the only thing I need to get for it is one of those electric tuners so I know if I'm playing the right note XD

She also got me three books on how to play it and I have endless amounts of youtube videos to watch on the matter but hopefully within the next year I can mark yet another thing off my list!

Now I am off for a while, hopefully will be able to update some of these patterns soon, wish me luck for getting stuff off my hard drive!!!

~Rah Rah