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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Almost that time!

Well its almost time for me to come back, well back to blogging again lolz. I know I've kept you all waiting for a while, but you have to understand.... we have been looking for a house and have had to move out of where we were staying and into the inlaws house, I havent been able to stay on the computer long since we have had things to do.... BUT all thats about to change!!!! Our settlement is on the 16th of January and we only have a small bit of work to do before we can move all our stuff in. I'm really excited I cant wait to start painting and furnishing the place!!!!

I have still been a busy bee dont you worry, I've finished the Gryffindor and Slytherin bags, as well as the book scarves, but most of my other stuff has been packed away. I did however come up with a new plan for making the magic wands, with a light up tip thanks to my awesome fiance ^_^ and I made my very own Slytherin House Robes, I had to order the patches off e-bay but they were very cheap. After the patch arrives in the mail I will iron it onto the robes and they will be 100% finished. I will be sure to make a very HUGE blog post about everything I have made while I've been away.

My little sister in law has just finished making some home made ice cream, and we are all about to partake in the eating of it! I will not forget to write again.

Ta-ta for now!