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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Let the comissions begin!!!

Squeee! We are up to 1327 views last time I checked, its moving along and I am so happy we finally passed the 1k benchmark!!!

I'm gonna shameless plug my cousin's new blog!! It's all about book reviews and she shares some of her own personal stories as well (sort of like me! but with books instead of patterns) give it a look and you might just find a new and interesting book to read!!!

Now lets get down to brass tacks (I actually have some brass tacks funnily enough)

I've got commissions!!!! I am pretty pleased with myself.... of course it's really just my family and friends asking for stuff at the moment I'm hoping the more stuff I put up on ravelry the more people will get interested in what I'm doing.

I've got one of the cutie patootie teddy bears in works for my mom, and one of my close friends has asked me to make a big version of my itty bitty punkin for a foot rest (there will be pictures of this one when its done lolz)

And for myself I'm working on a Twi'lek beanie, I'm sure most of you know what a Twi'lek is, but for those of you who dont, they are from star wars. I've found a few knitting patterns for beanies, but I'm thinking its time for me to try and make this one entirely on my own, so this pattern will be going up in my ravelry shop once its done, not sure if its gonna cost or not though.

I'm starting to feel bad for not blogging much these days, but with working on our kitchen and me finally working it's been tough to get any of my projects finished.... I'm gonna try and write a little something though at least once a week from now on. Even if all I can manage is a quick vid blog I guess it's better than nothing for a month at a time lolz

So lets keep the views coming guys, I appreciate every single one of them!!!! I haven't sold any of my patterns just yet, I'm still wondering if I have priced them too high or not.... would be nice to get some feed back on them all the same.

So follow this blog and keep up to date with all kinds of funky crafts, new and interesting ideas, or just because you may be bored on a rainy day and need something to do.... Comment on my posts and let me know what you think of them, I'd appreciate the feed back, let me know if you found something too hard, or if something needs to be explained a bit more and I will try my very best to get it sorted out for you!

<3 <3 <3 ~Rah-Rah