Meet my new project! Adult sized bunny slippers, and a matching beanie, because apparently this winter needs to test my ability to withstand frostbite...
If you want to try and make these yourself then the pattern is for sale in my Ravelry Shop! they are super easy, and super warm!
They make me feel like a little kid again, running around in bunny slippers... but they do make me miss the summer, and it being August it is supposed to be warm not almost freezing.... but being in Australia means that I get to go to the beach at Christmas instead...
On a different note, I am awaiting the start date for a new job, I got a new (well its an old desk but its new for me) which made a lot more space in my crafty room, we got our oven and hopefully it will be put in this weekend, we have started trying to teach Sade to do some tricks.... Which isn't going very well at all... apparently she thinks that "Shake!" means she should shove her face in your hand or roll over onto her back and kick you... but I'm sure we will get there in the end, and that will be one more thing I can cross off my bucket list! I wanted to put up a video of Lewy trying to teach her, but my blog is being a pain in the proverbials.... it only wants to let me do a video if I have a webcam hooked up and since the laptop died I haven't had the time to get one...
Also I have taken it upon myself to try and make backups of my stuff now, so my desktop is nice and neat and organized, all my pictures are in properly labeled folders, and my loose photos that still need to be scanned have all been filed away in what I'm hoping is chronological order... there are so many pictures I want to put up for family to see.... My cousin over at A Bookworm and a Baby is one of the ones who is in so many of these photos I have, and I'm not sure if she even would remember being in half of them.... but alas I need to get a scanner...
Here's hoping you are all having a great week!
XxX ~ Rah Rah
OMG I would loooove to see those pictures! Such good memories... how many times did we watch Hocus Pocus and then make witches brew out of leaves and twigs and crap? Lol... I'm glad you're back to blogging, too!! We just need to blog for us, and nobody else, and we'll be happy little campers :) Are you on Bloglovin'? It makes it suuuper easy for people to follow your blog, you should check it out!!