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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

No Rest for the Wicked!

Ok so this is one of those personal type blogs I'm sure you really dont want to have to read on a crafting website... but =P

So today I heard on the radio that MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) offers some free courses that you can take online, and actually receive a certificate for completing them! So when I came home the first thing I did was sign up for one.

My course starts on October 1st, and I will be trying my very best to complete Introduction to Philosophy: God, Knowledge and Consciousness. Believe it or not I'm actually quite excited for it to start! They had heaps of courses that you could do, and you could do them for fun and just watch the videos in your own time or you could do the homework and send it in online and actually receive your certificate at the end of the course... I hope to be able to do the later!

It will be something I can put on my resume and make people stop and go "WOW!" which will be very good because my resume is pretty bland at the moment...

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