I'm in a happy mood today! This is sort of rare considering the week I have had (and it's only Wednesday)...
So far this week my car battery died on me, causing me to miss a day of work. Lewy was already at work so he had to explain to me over the phone how to use our portable charger which plugs into the wall, poor thing was so worried I was going to kill myself I thought he was gonna come home from work to fix it for me! But I now know I am capable of charging the battery in my car all by myself.... putting a new one in was a different story and that DID have to wait until Lewy came home from work.... Now $178 later I have a full tank of petrol, and a brand new battery....
I've made some progress on my two teddy bears, and the body of the first one is almost finished, with the holidays having only just finished I haven't had much time to knit, what with stuffing m face full of cheesecake eggs and chocolate bunnies, and eating waaaayyyy too much food at the Nonna's house....
I did manage to finish a teddy before the holidays started, which is now home with little Miss Daniella...
Now since I'm in a very happy mood today I feel the need to share some of my favorite things...
1. I freaking love nachos... But most of the time when I order them at the shops the put too much sauce and not enough meat, or they are too spicy so I make my own and I can literally eat through a kilo of hamburger all by myself when I make them...
2. My girls are my life at the moment.... Sade and Daisy (yes I know they are doggies but who cares!) The keep me entertained all day long, they cuddle me when I'm sad, over all they are just like little people... and I feel like a mamma bear when people say mean things about them....
3. I love my job! Being a swimming instructor isn't for everyone, it takes a lot of patience, which in all honesty I never thought I had, but it does give me a real sense of accomplishment when I see a kid who was scared to death of the water being able to swim by themselves and know that they learned it from me!
4. Harry Potter is like an obsession for me... I know it's weird but I could watch the movies every single day for eternity and never get bored... I have all the movies, all the books, and as you can tell if you have been reading all my blogs I have the Harry Potter Night in the works as soon as our kitchen is done...
5. My phone is like part of my hand... I feel extremely naked without it, and as much as I say I hate it we all know that's a huge lie....
6. Rainy weather... there is nothing more relaxing than curling up in bed with a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate while the rain pours away outside... and it makes it even better when Lewy is home to curl up next to me....
7. I love our house, even though it needs a lot of work and its small, I still love it to death, its ours and we can do whatever we want to do to it, and this makes me happy.
8. Books, I'm a very picky person when it comes to reading books, and while I do have a kindle so I can bring my books with me nothing compares to a real book that you can hold in your hands...
9. Crafting things is like my own personal therapy.... when I have had a rough day all I need to do is cut something out or stab some yarn with knitting needles and all that stress goes away, it drives Lewy insane sometimes but he has his stress relievers as well...
10. My most favorite thing of all? Lewy! He puts up with my crap all the time but still finds it in his heart to love me no matter what I do... I couldn't ask for a better partner (in crime or life lol)
Now here's 10 things most people don't know about me!
1. I got to see Tom Felton (Malfoy from Harry Potter) at Supernova in real life!
2. The movie Twister makes me think of my daddy and I always watch it when I miss him.
3. I hate eggplant.... no matter how its cooked.
4. When I'm home alone I crank up my music and sing at the top of my lungs (I'm surprised we still have windows)
5. I have an old ring of my dads that I wear out for luck (and I think it actually helps me)
6. I believe in ghosts, and aliens.
7. I'm the only person (that I know of) on m dad's side of the family with green eyes
8. I have about 40 pairs of scissors and I can never find a pair when I need them
9. I love big accessories, clunky long necklaces big oversized bangles and ear rings.... I have a collection
10. I am Team Edward (book version not movie version) because he reminds me of Lewy, being overprotective and willing to jump in front of a bus for me.... I'm not ashamed to admit it!
Now you have a great big insight into the life of me! Enjoy it lolz this might never happen again!
XxX Rah Rah
A blog about different crafts, free patterns, instructions, and creations! I try my best to make my crafts as easy as possible, sometimes I have trouble with them, and I'm sure if I'm the one making them and I'm having trouble that others will have trouble with them as well. So here I will write about the different things I make... all the troubles I had, the parts I found easiest, things I had to improvise with... and also offer my patterns free to you!
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