I'm sick and tired of crying over this crap, so once its written down I'm really going to try and let it go... I feel it will make things so much easier for me not having to hold it all in...
I don't remember the very first place I lived, all I remember is one story my mom told me about me wanting to play hide and seek, but no one was around to play with me... so I played by myself and everyone was so freaked out because they couldnt find me...

One of the last things I did at that school, Sonora Elementary, was learned to make tie-dye t-shirts, we all went outside with our little white shirts and bundled them up tightly with rubber bands and threw them into big tubs of blue dye. This was close to the very last day of school so my mom let me bring one of the old 35mm cameras with film so I could take pictures of everyone...

People seemed to like me though and while I was still a bit awkward I managed to make a few friends, and I still kept in contact with a few of the guys from Sonora. But as always the phone calls stopped after a while, and then so did the letters... addresses got lost, phone numbers got changed, and we all grew apart.
Then we started middle school, I remember how nervous I was to go there, but at least all my friends from Nancy Elementary came along with me, I wasn't the new kid any more though and I started to slip into the background, I was happy there was no more spotlight, my novelty had worn off and I could just go about my day and hang out with my friends... I remember having English class with Mrs. Neely, a woman who towards the middle of the year had gotten pregnant and we as a class had tormented her so bad that one day she left the room in tears and didn't come back... I had my first real boyfriend, and for my birthday I had fall themed party. We did bobbing for apples and some other stuff and then we had gone to watch a movie.... I remember we had a big bowl of popcorn and we all had drinks, we were slipping ice cubes down the back of each others shirts, and he slipped one down the front of mine and then went in after it, I had beamed him over the head with the bowl of popcorn so hard my dad came in to see what the noise was. Then there was a school dance, and I had found out that he had invited several other girls before he had even asked me... my first rejection... I told my dad and he told me that if he was going to treat me like that then I didnt need him, he wasnt worth my time that I would find some one better one day I just had to be patient.
And then the most horrible thing to happen to a little girl happened to me... On January 5th 2001 my daddy collapsed. It was close to midnight, and a dog had been coming into our yard and causing our two to go nuts... they had started barking and my daddy had went outside to scare off this dog that had come. When he came back inside he was out of breath and looked a bit pale, my mom asked him if he was alright... he said he was and went into the bathroom. There was a thud... and my mom ran to check if he was alright.... I remember the scene vividly. My dad laying on the bathroom floor my mom bending over him checking for a pulse, she turned to me and told me to call 911... dad was making the most horrible sound, my mom was giving him cpr telling him not to leave.... I remember not knowing what to do... I couldnt cry, I remember I went outside and grabbed my cat, when the ambulance got to our house after about 5 minutes but it seemed like hours they came and put him on a stretcher, my uncle Terry had come over to drive us to the hospital with them, my mom stayed with me rather than going in the ambulance with my dad... now that I know what was happening I'm glad she stayed I dont think I could have held it together if it were just me in the car...
Halfway to the hospital the sudden urge to sing amazing grace came over me... and my mom just hugged me tight...
We get to the hospital, they knew my mom because she worked there.... they all look sad and no one wanted to look at me... my daddy didnt make it... it was after midnight now... they signed off on all the paperwork.... the nurses came to comfort my mom and my uncle... Uncle Terry came and hugged me and I remember thinking that it couldnt be happening.... he couldnt be gone, what was I going to do without my daddy? What was my mom going to do? And then it hit me... it was her birthday.... we had had a cake... we had gone shopping and gotten this jar of disgusting pickled vegetables for him and now who was going to eat them? They had worked on him until after midnight so that they could say he didnt pass away on my moms birthday, but the truth is he didnt make it our of our house... at least I can take comfort in that, its where he would have wanted to be....
Just me and my mom now, and a whole bunch of memories....
High school started, and of course I was rebellious. I got into the goth culture, and fashion, people tended to leave me alone, I had my friends, but we weren't what you would call the popular bunch. I hated P.E like any other kid, but the teacher also picked on me for not being good at sports, he would make a big deal about whoever had me on their team, saying that the other kids needed to cut us some slack...I had a new boyfriend pretty much every week, and my self confidence was slowly falling. Every guy I was with wanted to move things way to fast, now I wonder what they were all saying about me behind my back, when I didnt want to do things then they would get angry and in a few hours time they would walk past me in the hallway with their arms around another girl... And then one day there were new kids on our bus to school, three boys and a girl.... The oldest boy looked at me and I knew something was there... Looking back on the situation I realize I should have felt disgusted... or something other than what I felt..... I ended up going out with him for 3 years, during which time he constantly put me down and made me feel like I was never good enough for him... but I stayed because I figured if I could get through it then something good would come out of it...
and then in 2003 my mom took a trip down to Australia. She came back and told me we were moving down there... in June she married my stepdad, and in October we hopped on a plane. Once again starting a new school, with all new people, in a whole new country... Last time was easy, I could go up and see my old friends on a weekend if I wanted to, but this was so much harder, I had no one but my mother, even the school didnt want me there.

My 18th birthday was a few days later, and everyone was invited.... I was completely wasted before any one got there... I invited Lewy even though I knew he didnt feel the same way about me... I had decided that I would rather just be friends than to just let him go... that feeling didnt go away... no matter how hard I tried to push it back.
He ended up dating my friend Catherine... for a month, but we still talked almost every day, I always got excited and I knew it would end badly... but in the end they broke up, and he ended up asking me out on a date....We went to a movie which was good because I was too nervous to talk I didnt know what to say... we wernt in school any more but I couldnt understand (still dont really) why he would be interested in me at all.... I'm not pretty, I'm not smart, I didnt have a job... but he stuck with me....
Something makes me think that my dear old daddy had something to do with it... why else would I have moved all the way around the world and just so happen to go to the same school and be in the same year and even some of the same classes.... that kind of storybook stuff just doesnt happen right?
We were only together for 3 months before I was dragged back to the states again. I was sure that while I was gone he would find some one else... some one better. But every day he would email me or call me, the day I came back I was hoping he would be at our house, but he wasnt, he had however cleaned everything up in my room and left me little notes all over the place and wrote me some silly songs to cheer me up.
A few days later Natalie had to pick up an assignment that she had done at school and asked me to go with her to pick it up, I figured it would be nice to see if any one actually remembered me or not, and somehow all of the teachers already knew about me and Lewy, but when they said anything it was in such a mocking tone that I was sure they were making fun of me....

I couldnt wait to start telling everyone, and planning everything, but once again we hit a snag in the plan.... it's now 2013 and we have still made no plans, we have however bought a house and are currently doing renovations... and this is where the low self esteem comes into play.
See Lewy works 5 days a week, and even does overtime nearly every week, and for almost 7 years I was out of work, not that I wasnt looking for work, I was looking every single day but no one wanted to hire me at all. People would call me up excited about my resume but as soon as they met me in person the excitement died... I couldnt figure out what I was doing wrong, and I was starting to think there was something wrong with me... Everyone told me I just haddnt found the right thing yet and that it would come along eventually, but after 7 years of rejection I was loosing hope. And then my friend Rhi offered me a job at the place she worked, I had to scrape together $300 to get qualified, and I almost didnt make it through, but I got my certificate and on my birthday I was hired as a swimming instructor one day a week. It was all going really good until the company was bought out by another place, and they had decided to close the pool that I worked in, and apparently we were all going to be let go. I was lucky to find another job in the same field and closer to home, but still the hours are weird and it is still only 2 days a week... so we are struggling a little bit, we havent been out for a night on the town since we started saving up for our house, and I feel as though its all my fault... if I had gotten work it would have been so much easier, if I had better work we could fix up our house a lot faster, if I had more work we could save up for a wedding... and it makes it so much harder that both my family and friends are getting married and having babies, because I want that so much, but I know we cant afford to do any of it.... Everyone tells me its not my fault, that we are doing the best we can with what we have, but I still feel like there is something I could have done to have made it better....
It makes me sad to feel this way, because I feel as though people think I'm being greedy... I'm really not, I dont mind having to work for anything at all, but somehow I feel it should be easier than this, it seems so much easier for everyone else...
Who knows whats to come, there could possibly be something good in store for the both of us in the near future... and this thought is pretty much the only thing that keeps me going.... lets just hope for the best!
Oh girl. This made me cry so hard... I am so sorry I wasn't able to be there for you when your Dad died, I can't imagine how awful it must have been, and still is. He was a great guy, always so funny. And you ARE beautiful and you ARE smart. I know it's hard right now, but you have the most important thing in the world.. an amazing relationship with Lewy. That's the number one thing people regret when they look back on their lives.. that they didn't have anyone special to share it with. And you have that! The rest will follow, I promise. Stay positive, and keep believing in yourself. You deserve to be treated well, and taken seriously, and you need to believe it before anyone else will. Love you, cuz. <3
ReplyDeleteIm better now lolz, i think i just needed to get it all out there, it just needed to be out there for someone, anyone to see.... lewy knows it all already but sometimes it still hurts a little bit when he tells me how much he would have loved to spend time with my dad... it bothers me more that he never will have any time with him, his grandkids will only get to see photos and hear stories.... and he will only be at my wedding by representation of some yellow roses... i had to leave his cousins wedding for a while when they had the father daughter dance because it all hit me at once.... all the insecurities come from that stupid ex boyfriend of mine... that hurt me so much... but lewy has helped he listens to all my crazy and doesnt runaway screaming lolz i know ive got it good lolz but sometimes it just all gets a bit much and i just need to explode a little bit...